Pat Sajak Opens Up About Health Scare, Admits He Feared He Might Die from the Intense Pain

A month after undergoing emergency surgery for a blocked bowel, "Wheel of Fortune" host Pat Sajak is sharing his experience.

In his first interview since the procedure, Sajak told “Good Morning America” that just before the surgery, he genuinely believed he might not survive.

In November, Sajak was out for a morning walk with his daughter when he began to experience "excruciating" pain. Hours later, he was doubled over, preparing to undergo surgery.

“I was lying in bed in the fetal position,” he recalled. “They tried to ease the pain with various medications, but nothing – absolutely nothing – worked.”

Eventually, doctors administered a drug that finally alleviated his suffering.

“All of a sudden, the pain was gone,” Sajak said. “I had these incredible pastel colors and images flowing through my mind.”

During this surreal moment, he could hear his wife and daughter speaking, though they seemed far away. “They were talking right next to me, but it sounded like they were a mile away,” he explained. “I remember thinking, not in a morbid way, ‘This must be what dying feels like.’”

At that moment, Sajak said his primary concern was for his family, feeling sad that they might have to deal with the aftermath of his death.

Fortunately, Sajak came through the surgery successfully, and his fears of dying were unfounded.

“It turns out I was just really high,” he joked.

On "Good Morning America," Sajak confirmed that the surgery was “completely successful.” His doctors found no underlying cause for the blockage, meaning he didn’t need to make any lifestyle changes.

“I’ve been feeling fantastic for weeks now,” Sajak said. “I’m back in the studio filming shows, and even after spinning the wheel, nothing has gone wrong. So, I think I’m in the clear.”

While Sajak recovered, longtime co-host Vanna White stepped in to fill his role. Sajak joked during the interview that he’s slightly worried she might take over permanently.

“I’ve discovered she likes hosting a little too much, and I’m getting a bit nervous,” he quipped.

Despite the jokes, Sajak seems content in his role on "Wheel of Fortune."

“I’m still keeping an eye on things,” he said with a smile.

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