19 Surprising Replies to 'What If…'Scenarios

It’s often said that asking a bizarre question will result in an equally bizarre answer. My own experiences have repeatedly confirmed this idea.

Asking questions with ambiguous or outlandish premises can spark creativity and lead to surprising discoveries. It's always fascinating to see what creative answers emerge!

Check out the 19 intriguing examples below. They not only offer insights but also showcase the various inventive ways these questions can be explored. The focus here is: “What Would Happen If…?” Let’s dive in!

1. Discover what happened to leather goods in a Malaysian store closed for 53 days, where high humidity played a role.

2. See the mold problems that can arise in Malaysian cinemas.

3. Find out what occurs when you try to sterilize currency in a microwave.

4. Compare the results of using a cheap dish scrubber for 2 years versus a high-quality one for 15 years.

5. Observe what happens to potato sprouts after 3 weeks of growth.

6. Learn how transparent tape affects the appearance of a matte surface, like a pen or matte glass.

7. Watch the transformation of a sheepskin rug after being brushed.

8. See the wear and tear on a screen protector after extensive smartphone use.

9. Discover a key found inside a lock that hadn't been used in over 20 years.

10. Check out the changes to a completely transparent skull left on a windowsill for 7 years.

11. Notice the alterations in two soda bottles exposed to direct sunlight in a shop window for several weeks.

12. Examine the condition of roads in flood-prone areas after heavy rainfall.

13. See how a glass door changes appearance after a brief period on grass.

14. Learn how to improve your sofa by removing all fabric pilling.

15. Read about the history of a pole used for hanging flyers over the years.

16. Observe the effects on a wooden door after 30 years of being hit by a doorbell.

17. Discover how a tree growing close to a fence can alter its appearance.

18. Find out what happens if a bird hits your window.

19. See the outcome of leaving rice in a rice cooker for a week.

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