Police Called to Boy’s ‘Ice Cold Beer’ Stand, but His Witty Sign Leaves Them Laughing

Some people are born with a natural business sense, and 11-year-old Seth from Utah is a prime example. His entrepreneurial spirit and creative marketing have recently captured a lot of attention.

Instead of a traditional lemonade stand, Seth set up a stand with a sign that read: "Ice Cold Beer." While some admired his ingenuity, others were concerned and alerted the police, thinking a minor might be selling alcohol.

When officers arrived at the scene, they were met with an unexpected twist: Seth was actually selling root beer, with the word "root" written in small green letters. The Brigham City Police Department found Seth’s marketing approach to be quite clever.

The department acknowledged that the concern was well-intentioned and emphasized that citizens should never feel embarrassed to report suspicious activities. They also bought some root beer for $1 and shared Seth's charming story, giving his business a boost in the process.

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