Dolly Parton Responds to Criticism of Her Appearance: “Cheap” and “Ugly” Remarks Unwarranted

Dolly Parton, a legendary figure in the entertainment industry, has enjoyed a remarkably successful career spanning decades. Despite her prominence and enduring popularity, she has recently faced criticism regarding her appearance, even as she nears her eighties.

At 77, Dolly Parton remains a beloved icon in both country music and broader celebrity circles. Growing up in poverty in the Appalachian Mountains, she has dazzled audiences throughout her life and has announced a shift in her performance schedule. In a recent interview with Pollystar, she shared her decision to step back from full-scale tours:


“I’ll do special shows here and there, maybe a long weekend or a few festival performances, but I don’t plan to embark on a full-blown tour anymore.”

Although Parton's impact on the stage will be missed, she continues to face criticism about her appearance—a topic that has been a point of contention since the early days of her career. Reflecting on past advice, Dolly revealed:

“People told me to change my look, to simplify my hair and wardrobe. They said I looked too ‘cheap’ and that no one would take me seriously.”


Despite ongoing negative comments, including disparaging remarks on social media, Dolly remains confident and unapologetic about her unique style. She famously quipped, “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”

Support from her husband has been unwavering, with Dolly sharing that he finds her as attractive as ever. “He thinks I’m the sexiest, prettiest woman in the world,” she said.


Dolly's passion for new challenges remains strong. Recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2022, she is eager to explore this new chapter of her career. Initially hesitant about the honor due to her country roots, Dolly embraced the accolade and is determined to prove her worth.

Fans continue to celebrate her talent and contributions to music. If you share the admiration for Dolly Parton and her enduring legacy, consider sharing this article on Facebook to spread the love for her remarkable career.

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